Commercial and Workplace Design

1175 Douglas

Ministry of Citizens’ Services, Real Property Division, Province of BC

1175 Douglas Interior Renovation

The interior renovation of the 2nd and 3rd floors suites of 1175 Douglas was to accommodate the consolidation of a department within the Ministry of Attorney General into one space. Previously located in 2 separate building, this renovation will allow 56 full time employees to be located within one building.

The 1,272 sq.m. interior renovation implemented the principles and planning requirements of Leading Workplace Strategies (LWS) while applying the criteria of RPD’s Technical Standards, 2014 Edition.

The interior planning and design worked with the architecture of the building, taking advantage of the high, open ceilings on the 2nd floor and large expanse of windows along all exterior elevations. Upon completion of the 2nd and 3rd floors of 1175 Douglas they will house a combination of Resident Enclosed (9), Resident Open (43), Mobile (26), Quiet Room (6) and Privacy Room (4) work points. The interior planning creates consistent design features, environmental graphics, layouts and functions to allow staff to work fluidly between the two floors.

Number TEN provided both architectural and interior design services for this project while managing a full consultant team including structural, mechanical, electrical, acoustical and environmental graphic design.

The project included the floor layouts, coordination, and move planning services for the relocation of staff and furniture from 2 buildings to their new designated locations at 1175 Douglas. The scope included existing conditions investigation including furniture inventory review, schematic design and design development with two interior planning options, client and user group meetings, preparation of construction documents and NMS specification, Tender support services, and contract administration.