Birds-eye-view image of the Portage and Main intersection, with cars lines up at the stoplights.

Portage and Main has to be people-friendly

May 1, 2023

Portage and Main is not just an intersection. It’s where we come together in celebration, in protest and in mourning. It has always been seen as the heart of the city, even when hidden behind concrete walls. There is significant irony in the fact that we believe Portage and Main is important enough to invest in a big idea that brings it back to life, but we voted so clearly to say we are not willing to spend a few seconds longer in our cars to accomplish this goal organically, and at low cost.

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Image looking up at the entrance of the library on a crisp clear winter day.

New life breathed into Carnegie Library

March 19, 2023

The City of Winnipeg Archives is finally getting a proper home, after a decade as a nomad in various warehouses across the city. Council is set to approve $12.6 million in funding to transform the Carnegie Library on William Avenue into a state-of-the-art archives facility.

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Image of a street side in the winter, with people walking across the street and cars parked by the curb.

Walkable cities become grist for conspiracy mill

February 27, 2023

Being a city planner might sound like a mundane job, plodding through zoning regulations that read like riddles written by Gollum from Lord of the Rings. But it can be a polarizing profession that evokes high emotions from citizens opposing change in their neighbourhood or reacting to the very mention of the words “bike lane.”

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Image of Winnipeg's Exchange District, where people are gathered to watch a performance.

Arts can lead in downtown renewal

January 16, 2023

When we compete with other cities for tourism, immigration, business investment and even for retention of our own young people, the quality of downtown and its ability to offer an urban lifestyle choice often factors centrally in any success.

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Retrofitting Makes Room for Residential

June 24, 2021

As architects, designers, and urban planners, building great buildings and communities is what we always strive to do. As we see built structures from our past become abandoned and disused, we are presented with opportunities to reimagine the roles these structures can play in the future of our communities.

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