News + Insights

Zoning affects a city’s social fabric
January 18, 2021
All North American cities use zoning to regulate the development of land and buildings. By assigning properties into different categories of parkland, commercial, residential and industrial uses, zoning establishes the rules for what can and can't be built.
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Housing key to deracializing cities
July 13, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the racial inequity that exists in North American cities, with racialized neighbourhoods being hit disproportionately hard by the virus. The solution to combat systemic racism in urban design reads much like the solution to make cities more resilient against future pandemics. At the foundation of the challenge is housing.
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Crises helped shape modern architecture
May 15, 2020
Modern architecture was born out of a global health crisis. With tuberculosis crippling cities in Europe and North America in the early 20th century, gleaming white medical facilities called sanitoriums were designed to provide patients access to sunlight and fresh air, the only known treatment for the disease. This inspired architects to use the same ideas to promote mental and physical health in all new buildings.
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Life-Cycle Analysis and Calculating Embodied Energy from Gate to Site
March 9, 2020
As an Interior Designer, I rely on information provided by manufacturers and third-party certification agencies to make decisions about the furniture, equipment, fixtures and finishes I specify for projects.
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Coming to terms with Truth & Reconciliation’s Call to Action #92
March 8, 2020
In 1992, my master's thesis in architecture at the University of Manitoba was an Aboriginal Cultural Centre on the south point of The Forks in the heart of downtown Winnipeg.
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Oslo holds key to making Winnipeg streets safer
March 8, 2020
Brent Bellamy has long called for more bike paths and pedestrian-friendly streets to make Winnipeg safer by reducing the number of fatal collisions.
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Why Invest in Your Workplace?
October 22, 2019
As a business person, it's sometimes easy to forget what a huge influence your work environment has on the productivity, morale and overall well-being of your staff and clients alike.
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