
  • Architecture’s role in empowering LGBTTQ+ community

    By Brent Bellamy, Senior Design Architect and Creative Director

    Earlier this month, an emotional groundbreaking ceremony was held in Ottawa for Thunderhead, a LGBTTQ+ national monument set to rise in the shadow of Canada’s Parliament buildings.

    The prominent new monument will recognize the courage and strength of those who were harmed by the LGBT Purge, a 40-year span of systematic government discrimination against LGBTTQ+ individuals in the federal public service, armed forces and RCMP. Once complete, the project will reach beyond its role as a memorial, striking a sympathetic balance as a place that honours the past while celebrating a creative and vibrant community, today and in the future.

  • MTS Centre a Game Changer

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    By Tim Phelan, Marketing and Business Development Manager

     Bell MTS Place - an exciting project for the architects of Number TEN Architectural Group.Photo by Mike Pratt

    TEN years ago this week, Winnipeg’s MTS Centre opened its doors for the first time. It’s remarkable to look back and see how Winnipeg has changed since that historic moment in the city's history. Suddenly, Winnipeg was back on the North American entertainment scene, attracting the world’s biggest acts on a regular basis. New venues, such as the fully restored Metropolitan Entertainment Centre and Tavern United began to emerge, taking advantage of a sudden influx of people breathing new life into the downtown core.

  • Our Top TEN Most Inspiring Buildings

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    By Tim Phelan, Marketing and Business Development Manager

    As a non-architect working in an architecture firm, I am often amazed at the level of knowledge, creativity and passion that goes into the design of a project. Architecture and design have the power to transform the way we live and inspire us to see the world in a different way. It can make the world around us more exciting, our cities more livable and sustainable, and our places of work more dynamic and interesting.

    So I’ve often wondered: what do architecture and design professionals draw inspiration from? What buildings have inspired them to pursue a career in design? How does the work of their favorite designers that came before them carry into their own designs?

    We asked TEN staff members to choose their most inspiring building of all time and explain why it is important to them. Here are their responses:

  • The NEW Workplace

    By Genevieve Bergman, Associate

    Number TEN’s workplace design team has been hard at work researching post-pandemic work environments and taking a closer look at the transformation from the way things were to an altered, non-corporate landscape.

    We have broken down the fundamentals into four parts⁠—FEEL, FORM, FUNCTION & FUTURE⁠—which reveal the trends that are shaping today’s workplaces.

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