Number TEN was honoured to receive the 2023 A4LE Pinnacle Award for the design of Legacy Park Elementary School in Weyburn, Saskatchewan.

A4LE BLOG 2 cropThe Pinnacle Award is awarded to the single most distinctive education facility in the Pacific Northwest Region. This program recognizes learning projects which positively impact teaching and learning and result from a sound planning process reflecting the needs and expectations of the community.

Legacy Park Elementary School is an 80,546 sq.ft. facility designed for 650 students and includes an integrated childcare centre (daycare). It is a unique 21st century learning environment physically connected to a city-owned recreation and cultural facility called the Credit Union Spark Centre.

Serving as a replacement for three ageing schools in Weyburn and the surrounding rural area, the design team was tasked with capturing the individual identities and culture of each student body and integrating elements of each into the new school.

The project’s goals were to:

  • Design a new facility that will support and celebrate the integration of three existing schools within an innovative 21st century learning environment. 
  • Facilitate a shared vision of excellence between school and city stakeholders that takes full advantage of the joint-use nature of the facility’s site, design, and programming.


“Legacy Park Elementary School is a state-of-the-art 21st century design that lends itself to countless possibilities for best practice in education and will continue to serve the community of Weyburn in so many ways. We have so much to be thankful for already and I can’t wait to be a part of many LPES celebrations to come.”
- Andy K. Dobson, Southeast Cornerstone School Division


A4LE is an interdisciplinary association of professionals working at the intersection of learning and place to drive the evolution of learning environments. Partners Christina Legris and Greg Hasiuk were on hand at the 2023 A4LE PNW Regional Conference in Vancouver, BC to receive the award.