
Brent B blog 1 
By Brent Bellamy, Creative Director and Architect
Republished with permission courtesy of the Winnipeg Free Press.

"Building owner opposes heritage designation" has become a regular headline in Winnipeg over the past few years. One by one, buildings are being nominated for designation — the Bay, the Manitoba Club, the University of Manitoba — and, one by one, owners are trying to fight it.


Image: Brent Bellamy
This streetscape in Winnipeg’s Exchange District presents a pretty winter picture, but it also illustrates the value of preserving and protecting heritage buildings.

Brent B blog 1 
By Brent Bellamy, Creative Director and Architect
Republished with permission courtesy of the Winnipeg Free Press.

Winnipeg city council will soon be presented with details of the new residential infill strategy, a guide for development in the city’s existing neighbourhoods that represents an important opportunity to manage higher-density growth and define what our communities will look like in the future.

Image: James Brittain
A contemporary infill structure on Stradbrook Avenue shows how modern design and innovation can enhance a neighbourhood.

Brent B blog 1 
By Brent Bellamy, Creative Director and Architect
Republished with permission courtesy of the Winnipeg Free Press.

Walking is good for you, and good for the economy. Cities across North America are investing in infrastructure to encourage walking in urban neighbourhoods as a way of improving health, accessibility, quality of life and safety while promoting urban renewal and economic growth.


Image: Brent Bellamy/Winnipeg Free Press
Cities that invest in infrastructure that promotes a pedestrian lifestyle are reaping social and economic rewards.

Brent B blog 1 
By Brent Bellamy, Creative Director and Architect
Republished with permission courtesy of the Winnipeg Free Press.

For several years, a soaring glass tower has risen from The Forks, designed to inspire discussion and awareness of the importance of human rights in our society. This summer, a little orange structure has appeared a few blocks away that is intended to provoke a similar discussion.


Brent Bellamy
The early success of the Pop-Up Winnipeg Public Toilet pilot project is an encouraging sign that the city is embracing the importance of downtown public washroom facilities.

Brent B blog 1 
By Brent Bellamy, Creative Director and Architect
Republished with permission courtesy of the Winnipeg Free Press.

Winnipeg’s rivers have divided its neighbourhoods since the days when St. Boniface was an independent city with ferry service to the English side of the river. The physical segmentation of Winnipeg, by rivers and railyards, has made it a city of unique neighbourhoods. Communities that are geographically adjacent, but without direct pedestrian connections, have often developed with a distinct character, demographic, economy and history.


Image: Supplied
One of the preliminary designs for a pedestrian bridge over the Assiniboine River to connect Osborne Village to downtown via McFadyen Park and Fort Rouge Park.

Number TEN Blog

Number TEN Inspired! captures the knowledge, passion and ideas of our award winning architects, interior designers and supporting staff, as they navigate through the complexities of the modern design landscape. We are creative problem solvers, advocates for better ways of doing things, and observers of all that is interesting and noteworthy in our field. This blog is our effort to share our knowledge and ideas in a way that resonates with everyone. Whether you work in the industry as an architect, interior designer, building manager, property developer, or are just someone with an interest in creativity and new ways of doing things, this blog has something for you.